Johan's Persuasive Tactics

A breakdown of Johans most iconic scene.


Another in-depth analysis for you today, folks. I will be releasing my editing course next Friday for all those anticipating it. Since it has taken so long, I am going to send the full course completely free to five of you.

But enough of that, let's get right into the free value of the week.

Todays Agenda

  • Johan Scene Breakdown: a complete analysis of Johans most iconic scene.

  • Resource roundup: A free book and multiple YouTube sources.

  • Incoming merch: Sneak peak of a merch line that I am working on.


What you are about to read covers dark topics about Johan's manipulation tactics. Please do not use this information for evil, but instead, use it to learn and understand how to spot a manipulator. You have been warned.

Johans Persuasion of Detective Richards:

In this scene, Detective Richards has started to connect the dots and has uncovered some key details that lead him to almost figuring out that Johan is the murderer. Johan realizes this and is ready to eliminate him.

Now that we have set the stage, we can dive right into it. First off, I recommend watching this first to get a good visual of the scene.

The very first thing that should be noted is not Johan's introduction, but rather his preparation. Johan did not come unprepared; he knew his target, Richard, had been a drinker and had shot a young boy while under the influence. Along with that, he also researched Richards background.

Johan instantly uses this knowledge to his advantage to initiate the conversation. He says, 'Oh, how rude of me, would you care for something to drink?' Richard, being aware of his past actions, will obviously decline the offer as he has been avoiding alcohol.

However, Richard's refusal gives Johan the perfect opportunity to share out loud, Richards story about why he personally avoids drinking. This aggravates Richard, but Johan saves the situation by adding, 'Or so I've heard,' making it sound as if the information did not come directly from him. This is the first key point to note: it is important to maintain politeness. Johan continues to do this throughout the entire conversation. Be cautious of individuals who appear too perfect and are trying 'too hard' to be polite.

Next, Johan starts asking Richard about the crimes committed by the boy he killed. Richard responds by listing the terrible crimes the boy had done. Johan's response to this is, "So you executed him." This is the first time Johan plants the idea in Richard's head that he killed the boy willingly and not under the influence.

Johan quickly saves the situation by making a polite gesture, saying "pardon," and putting his hand up to indicate that he means no harm. This shows Johan's ability to navigate the conversation tactfully and maintain a polite demeanor. It's important to note how Johan carefully chooses his words and actions to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

He follows this by instantly stating that every child is innocent until proven guilty, along with no person under the age of 18 can be sentenced to life imprisonment with no option for release. Johan does this to once again provoke Richard into thinking that Johan thought it was a planned action/murder.

Richard gets extremely angry, but Johan again uses his open hand gesture along with being polite to calm him down. Additionally, they change locations, which psychologically creates a sense of disorientation and confusion

Now that they are in a new location, Johan starts talking about Stefan's background and cites all his sources from different books. The reason he talks about Stefan's dark background is to make Richard start feeling bad for committing the murder.

Johan starts talking about Richard's daughter, which provokes Richard even more. However, this time Johan does not try to calm him down. Instead, he uses a manipulation tactic where, when asked a question, he responds with another question.

Watch out for anyone who won't answer your questions and only asks them. This is a dead giveaway that someone is trying to be deceptive.

And we have made it to the rooftop. This is the climax of the scene, where Johan uses everything he has done up to this point to get Richard to do the unthinkable.

First, Johan points out that he did his research and could not find anyone who saw Richard drinking before the murder. He says this out loud, not directed at Richard. But then, right after, he takes a direct shot at Richard and asks, 'Were you really drunk when you pulled the trigger?'

Johan then explains what Richard has done, saying that he was completely sober and executed Stefan Joos. Notice how Johan said 'executed' and not 'murdered,' 'killed,' or anything like that. He does this to subtly amplify the crime that been committed.

The final push is when Johan says, 'Is it a lie you tell everyone around you, or perhaps a lie you tell yourself?' and 'How are you going to look Rosemary (his daughter) in the eye tomorrow?' These two lines are essentially convicting Richard and fully breaking him, making him question everything. He doesn't even know what's true anymore.

With this, Johan asks Richard if he would like a drink, and the rest is history.


  • Do your research and find out people's backgrounds, hobbies, and interests.

  • Watch out for people who are overly polite and try to subtly provoke you.

  • Don't allow someone to only ask you questions; make sure that if they are asking, they are also giving answers.

  • Changing locations during a conversation can initiate the psychological breaking of whoever is being antagonized.

  • Don't be gaslighted into believing something that may not be true, even if there are facts behind it.

Resource Roundup

  1. Full free audio book of “The Prince” by Machiavelli.

  2. A full website with thousands of useful resources for your self improvement journey.

  3. If you struggle with talking to girls, watch this playlist and you will be able to gain confidence to do it yourself.

Merch + Future

Merch is in the works, got some cool designs cooking up, along with my community that has an AI version of Ayanokoji. I am working hard on multiple projects for you guys so stay tuned. The course drops next Friday, and as I said 5 of you will get it 100% free.

Thank you for reading.

Keep improving - Nameless Mind